Learn Lean

Infographic about our Learning Platform

Here at the LEA, we see learning as a skill and capability development journey, not just to Learn Lean through Courses. Progressing from acquiring some basic Knowledge through to being able to Teach & Coach others. The purpose of the platform is to provide accessible learning processes and materials in Lean Thinking & Practice. To develop capability and enable people to eventually become self reliant on their lean journey. Better, faster and cheaper.

Our learning processes and materials are positioned around the Lean Transformation Framework (LTF). This is our unique approach to applying Lean Thinking & Practice to any situation. We have developed this approach through many years of research, to try and avoid some of the common failure modes when trying to make sustainable changes.

The LTF focuses on communicating the five situational questions you need to think about when embarking on a lean transformation.

There are a range of courses, materials and webinars to explore on our Learning Platform for you to learn lean. Which course should you start with? This depends on “What problem are you trying to solve?”

We suggest however, that you start by learning about the LTF and watch the video below.

Lean Learning Platform Video

What is the Lean Transformation Framework?

Learn about what the Lean Transformation Framework by clicking on the topic below:

(1) Value-driven Purpose: What problem are we trying to solve?

Click on each lean topic to learn more:

What problem are we trying to solve?

(2) How do we do & improve the actual work?

Click on each lean topic to learn more:

How do we do & improve the actual work?

(3) How do we develop the capabilities we need?

Click on each lean topic to learn more:

How do we develop the capabilities we need?

(4) What management system & leadership behaviours are required to support the new way of working?

Click on each lean topic to learn more:

What management system & leadership behaviours are required to support the new way of working?

(5) What Basic Thinking, Mindset & Assumptions drive this change?

Click on each lean topic to learn more:

What basic thinking, mindset and assumptions drive this change?

Is there a topic area you would like to learn about but cannot see on the list below? We are looking to partner with organisations to develop and try out our latest learning materials on our learning platform. Contact us if you have a specific requirement that you’d like us to develop with you.

Learning Platform Logo