Over the last 25 years, Dan Jones has asked me to go and look at how lean thinking can be applied to a whole host of organisational situations. Lean fundamentals can be applied at the frontier, in a...
Read moreTag: Lean Leadership
Lean: A Path of Discovery
Here is a preview of a forthcoming article by Dan Jones to be published on Planet-Lean where he reflects on his definition of Lean describing it as a path of discovery. What is Lean? In a...
Read moreLean Remote Working
Is remote working and lean compatible? Lean thinkers talk a lot about “going to the gemba.” “Gemba” (also spelt “genba”) is the Japanese term for “actual place.” It is often used as a...
Read moreA Shot in the Arm – Applying Lean Thinking to Covid-19 Vaccinations
The UK Government’s approval of vaccines in December was great news in the rollercoaster story of the Covid-19 pandemic. Development and approval occurred in record time, helped along the way by...
Read moreAvoiding “Death by Powerpoint” lean teaching
“Death by PowerPoint”. Those immortal words every trainer/facilitator dreads when delegates feedback after a session. When doing “lean powerpoint” teaching how likely are they to...
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