At the end of February I attended the Media Day at the 91st Geneva International Motor Show. I particularly wanted to explore mobility and innovation. Are there insights for lean product development...
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Why is Lean Management Important?
Introduction In his 2010 blog “What makes lean work?” Dan Jones discusses Toyota’s lasting contribution to the practice of management. The blog starts to explain why lean management is...
Read moreDeep Dive into Lean Thinking
A Learning Week in Japan on Product Development and Beyond What – Overview (contents and structure) This first part of the tour mainly covers how manufacturing companies deal with lean product and...
Read moreUK Lean Summit 2015 – Lean Transformation: Developing Capability to Improve the Work
The theme for our 2015 Lean Summit is Lean Transformation – Developing the Capability to Improve the Work. This year we build upon the topic of Lean Transformation and have structured the event...
Read moreFour Lessons on Lean Healthcare
In the past decade, lean management principles have expanded to the healthcare industry, often with great results: Here I share a few lessons learned Although Lean was born in Toyota in the 1950s and...
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