The theme for our 2015 Lean Summit is Lean Transformation – Developing the Capability to Improve the Work. This year we build upon the topic of Lean Transformation and have structured the event around the two key elements of our Lean Transformation Framework. Firstly, Capability Development – Sustainable improvement capability in all people at all levels. Secondly, Process Improvement – Continuous, real, practical changes to improve the way the work is done.
The line up is stronger than ever. Our Chairman Daniel T Jones will set the context for the Summit by outlining the alternative models of Lean transformation and the pros and cons of different approaches. We are delighted to welcome John Shook, Chairman of the Lean Enterprise Institute to the UK. John needs little introduction. He is author of the value stream mapping book “Learning to See” and the book “Managing to Learn” which introduced folks outside Toyota to the A3 methodology. John is also the architect and Chief Engineer for our Lean Transformation Framework – so we’ve asked him to share how we have been developing the framework and what it means for organisations.
Another guest from the USA is Daniel Markovitz, author of “A Factory of One.” I’m sure many of you will have read Daniel’s book in which he provides insight for all of us in terms of applying Lean thinking to ourselves – improving our own personal productivity. Daniel will share this and his latest, soon to be published, work.
We will also share great stories from people at the front line applying Lean thinking and practice in their organisations. As always, we’ve tried to provide a mix of applications and environments. From the start-up World Kristian Lindwall will tell us how the music service Spotify is developing and coaching leaders. We will also all go back to school! Tony Lamberton (Headmaster) and Sarah Williams (a teacher and Head of Student Services) at Christleton High School will explain how Lean applies to secondary education and share the ground-breaking work they have been doing – learning and coached by Toyota’s Lean Management Centre (TLMC).
In addition to the plenary presentations, participants will also be able to choose from 8 two-hour learning sessions. These provide a mix between expanding on the plenary talks to providing some of the best examples of practice. This year Toyota will share how they develop and sustain improvement through standardised work, Garraf Healthcare Consortium, Barcelona will share their transformation and I will team up with the Halfway Group from South Africa to share how we have been applying Lean thinking in the sales environment.
Each year customers tell us that our Summit is the not to be missed Lean event of the year for any leader, senior manager or Lean practitioner wanting to transform and or sustain the gains from their Lean efforts. You can find out more about the programme and reserve your place at taking advantage of our early booking discount. We look forward to seeing you in November.