We are very excited about our Lean Summit that takes place next week. For those that haven’t yet booked there are still a few places left to join 200 other Lean Thinkers. To see what you...
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Lean Summit 2014: Building a Lean Management System for Healthcare and the Public Sector
At the Lean Enterprise Academy we always try to push forward the frontiers of lean. There are two dimensions to this – taking lean to different environments and gaining new insight into...
Read moreWhat Lean Really Is?
The evolution of Toyota’s practices Daniel T Jones (1) Lean thinking and practice are generic versions of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the Toyota Way management system (2). Lean...
Read moreFive Years into Lean
Where should an organisation be five years into its lean journey? In my view it’s lean progress should be rewarded with a vision of how the organisation is going to use the new capabilities of...
Read moreManaging Horizontally as well as Vertically
Silos are a symptom of a deeper problem in most organisations. Getting rid of them is not the answer. Traditional management systems organise expert knowledge into vertical functions and departments...
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