At the Lean Enterprise Academy we always try to push forward the frontiers of lean. There are two dimensions to this – taking lean to different environments and gaining new insight into environments where lean is already being used. At our 2013 Lean Summit we shared examples of lean practices being applied to frontiers such as healthcare and government where implementation is only a few years old.
We’ve now published the talks from Owen Williams the Chief Executive of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Liam Duffy the Chief Executive of Beaumont Hospital, Ireland, Phil Mayhew the Director of Business Transformation with Kim Silcock the Head of Lean Transformation of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council on our YouTube channel and you can view them directly in the Lean Summit 2013.
In addition to those plenary talks our own Marc Baker and Dr Paul Jarvis from Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust presented and discussed the key learning points from applying lean in a hospital setting. In their session they discussed the importance of understanding demand and building quality into the process and the benefits of their experiment of introducing point of care testing.
This year we have even more focus on practical implementation – actually doing lean. We’ve asked Marc Baker and Ian Taylor to discuss the work they have been doing to build lean management systems for health care and the public sector. Their session is part of eight two-hour Learning Sessions. Seven of these are repeated twice over the two days with one slot reserved for Dan Jones and Dan Florizone to discuss the Governement of Saskatchewan’s (Canada) implementation of lean in health and education. On day two this session will be replaced by a discussion session with Dan Jones and Jim Womack about where lean goes next.
A full list of learning sessions are outlined below:
In summary, the Summit provides:
• Learning on the latest developments in Lean Thinking and Lean Practice.
• Practical ways to get started, deepen or enhance your lean journey.
• A great event to meet others and build your network of Lean Thinkers.
This is a unique opportunity to learn from the best lean practitioners and sensei in conjunction with six plenary talks the content of this year’s Summit is better than ever.