
Lean Homework

15th June 2008 - Daniel T Jones

The consumer goods industry is waking up to lean in a hurry. With rising input prices and powerful retailers trying to keep the lid on prices they have few other places to go. It is finally time to...

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Lean Consulting

12th May 2008 - Daniel T Jones

Some time ago I worked alongside a team of super sleuths from a large  consulting firm who were very skilfully looking for opportunities to cut costs – unnecessary activities and surplus heads...

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Making Healthcare Lean

4th April 2007 - Daniel T Jones

A conference like no other you have attended. For the first time those involved in taking lean into healthcare across the world are coming together to brainstorm what a lean future for healthcare...

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Crossing the Lean Threshold

12th March 2007 - Daniel T Jones

Lean transformations are increasingly bumping up against a common threshold. We may be very familiar with most of the lean tools. We may also have learnt to see our value streams and how to redesign...

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Developing Problem Solvers

1st March 2006 - Daniel T Jones

We traditionally see an organisation as a collection of departments or activities, each managed separately and each separated from the rest by inventories or time buffers between them. Performance is...

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