Lean in IT is an emerging field but how can we support lean transformation if CIOs are not on board? Information systems are in the dna of any process; delivering at the pace of their customers / providing reliable environments / simplifying access to ressources and even create more value: these are challenges for CIOs we can adress with lean.
Lean IT Summit is a great place that shows how it works.
Simplified customer experience + faster value streams + end-to-end people collaboration + innovation through fast experimentation = recipe for a successful digital transformation.

Join the 5th annual Lean IT Summit on 8-9 October in Paris to:
- See how CIOs and IT project directors use the Obeya to manage their projects with Malika Mir, CIO of IPSEN Pharma. You will also have the opportunity to visit a real life obeya from the French insurance company AG2R
- Discover how Lean startup principles and Lean product development accelerate innovation in large companies with Susana Jurado from Telefonica, Yves Caseau from AXA and in the French administration with Pierre Pezziardi.
- Hear the tale of the 6 year-long Lean IT journey at Italian bank BNL
- Learn about the IT transformation to better serve the users and customers from Toyota Motor Europe, Faurecia, Solar, Suez Environnement, BNP Paribas Fortis
Keynote speakers include Dan Jones, Kent Beck, the inventor of Extreme Programming and the Lean IT pioneers Steve Bell and Régis Medina.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and practice! Join a masterclass on 7 October:
- “Values and principles of Software engineering” with Kent Beck,
- “Creating and Managing Successful Projects using Obeya and Visual Management” with Sandrine Olivencia
- “Lean and Information Systems in today’s large corporations – what does it mean and how to manage it?” with Catherine Chabiron.