We are pleased to introduce the speakers for the UK Lean Summit 2015
Speakers are shown in order of appearance
Back to UK Lean Summit 2015 – Lean Transformation: Developing the Capability To Improve the Work
Dave Brunt – Chief Executive, LEA
David has been both applying and researching lean since 1990. He manages activities at the Lean Enterprise Academy and helps firms making a lean transformation. He has worked with Dan Jones since 1997. During that time he has been involved in both pioneering research into lean thinking and the practical implementation of lean practice.
He has walked, mapped, taught and coached lean in over 500 value streams across almost every conceivable environment – from manufacturing to service sectors in businesses such as steel production, vehicle and component assembly, FMCG, retailing, banking and financial services.
He spent over three and a half years as the Porsche Verbessrungs Process (PVP – Porsche Improvement Process) Manager at Porsche Cars Great Britain and carried out work to develop lean in after sales, used car processing and parts operations as well as conducting a number of other business process improvement projects at dealer and national sales company level. His work on lean dealer operations formed the basis for several chapters in James P. Womack and Daniel Jones’ book, “Lean Solutions” and led to him writing “Creating Lean Dealers – the lean route to satisfied customers, productive employees and profitable retailers” with John Kiff (2007.) He helps a growing number of dealers around the world successfully implement lean thinking and practice.
David has an MBA from Cardiff Business School where he specilaised in lean and supply chain management. In 2011 he contributed cases to the updated Lean Enterprise Institute workbook “Seeing the Whole Value Stream” by Dan Jones and Jim Womack (2011.) He is co-author of the book “Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management – The Lean Approach” with David Taylor (2001.)
Daniel Jones – Chairman, LEA
Daniel Jones’ mission is to inspire, encourage and mentor executives to use lean thinking to solve their business problems. He co-authored the core books on lean and writes extensively to distil and share his research on the practice of lean.
He acts as an advisor to senior management on leading lean transformations, building lean management systems and designing lean value streams. He led many proof-of-concept projects in pioneering organisations to learn how lean can address new problems. He is a keynote speaker at in-company events, management meetings and public conferences.
He helped to spread lean thinking across the automotive industry and to aerospace, construction, retailing, consumer goods, services, healthcare and government in the UK and around the world. He founded the Lean Enterprise Academy in the UK and helped establish the Lean Global Network of 18 non-profit institutes to spread lean thinking around the world.
John Shook – Chairman and CEO, Lean Enterprise Institute
John Shook is recognized as a true sensei who enthusiastically shares his knowledge and insights within the Lean Community and with those who have not yet made the Lean leap.
Shook learned about Lean management while working for Toyota for nearly 11 years in Japan and the U.S., helping it transfer production, engineering, and management systems from Japan to NUMMI and subsequently to other operations around the world. While at Toyota’s headquarters, he became the company’s first American kacho (manager) in Japan. In the U.S., Shook joined Toyota’s North American engineering, research and development center in Ann Arbor, MI, as general manager of administration and planning. His last position with Toyota was as senior American manager with the Toyota Supplier Support Center in Lexington, KY, assisting North American companies implement the Toyota Production System. As co-author of Learning to See John helped introduce the world to value-stream mapping. John also co-authored Kaizen Express, a bi-lingual manual of the essential concepts and tools of the Toyota Production System. In his latest book Managing to Learn, he describes the A3 management process at the heart of Lean management and leadership.
Shook is an industrial anthropologist with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee, a master’s degree from the University of Hawaii, and is a graduate of the Japan-America Institute of Management Science. He is the former director of the University of Michigan, Japan Technological Management Program, and faculty of the university’s Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering.
He is the author of “Toyota’s Secret: The A3 Report”; Sloan Management Review, July 2010 and “How to Change a Culture: Lessons from NUMMI”; Sloan Management Review, January 2010, which won Sloan’s Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize for outstanding article in the field of organizational development.
Shook is a sought-after conference keynoter who has been interviewed on Lean management by National Public Radio, Bloomberg News, The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, and numerous trade publications.
Tony Lamberton – Executive Headteacher, Christleton High School
Tony Lamberton is currently an Executive Headteacher in Chester. He has been Head of Christleton high School for 13 years.
Ofsted 2014 said of the school, “This is an outstanding school. Inspirational leadership and governance, extremely skilful and committed staff and the insatiable thirst for knowledge instilled in students, all ensure that the highest levels of teaching and achievement have been sustained”. Tony is currently establishing a new international studio school which will be a LEAN self-improving school. It is partnered with Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He established and ran a small manufacturing company in the 1990’s.
He became involved in LEAN methodology about 8 years ago and trained with TMUK in 2013, applying the work to several areas of education, most notably the care and education of the most vulnerable.
Tony works for the Department for Education as an expert education adviser in the academies performance team and has conducted educational research in England USA and Hong Kong. He is proud to describe his school as a place where everybody learns every day. Around 50 of his 160 staff are engaged in action based research programmes, several of which have been showcased regionally and nationally. Tony presents nationally on a number of education leadership and management topics, including financial management and leadership. His research on active learning received the Prince’s Teaching Institute Leadership award in both 2014 and 2015.
Beyond school Tony is a keen mountaineer, rock climber and photographer, and his family were foster carers for a number of years.
Sarah Williams – Head of Student Services, Christleton High School
Sarah’s career as a teacher spans 22 years, across six different school settings, both high performing and challenging, primary and secondary. During this time Sarah has performed many roles including: German and French Teacher, Second in Faculty, Inclusion Manager, and most recently as Head of the Student Services Department and Deputy Lead for Safeguarding at Christleton High School, Chester (judged outstanding by Ofsted November 2014). At Christleton, Sarah manages the ‘additional’ pastoral and academic needs of identified students on the School’s Continuum of Need Register – including all students with Special Educational Needs, Students with English as an Additional Language, Students with significant emotional issues and those whose lives currently involve Social Care.
Based upon a backdrop of UK Special Educational Needs spending cuts, a pending new Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, September 2014, and the findings of the Deployment and Impact of Support Staff Project (indicating the urgent need for schools to improve the way they use their teaching assistants) Sarah was tasked by her Head teacher, Tony Lamberton, to work with the Toyota Lean Management Centre, to ‘do more with existing resources’ and to achieve this, to apply Lean Process Improvement Principles to eliminate waste from the operational work of the Student Services Department. Now, some 18 months later and mid their second Kaizen Cycle the team remains both positively empowered and impressed with the process improvements seen in the work of the department and remain 100% united in their commitment to the application of Lean and Continuous Improvement.
The ownership of the impact and success of the application of Lean organisationally to the department has led Sarah to wish to extend her knowledge in this field and further now to apply ‘Lean’ to instructional processes and beyond to student learning processes. Sarah is enrolled onto the MSc course in Continuous Improvement at Buckingham University.
Sarah, a long standing Primary School Chair of Governors, also holds Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association – qualified to carry out psychometric testing to assess and teach dyslexic students.
Daniel Markovitz – Author, Factory of One – CRC Press
Dan Markovitz is president of Markovitz Consulting, a firm that helps organizations become faster, stronger, and more agile through the application of Lean principles to knowledge work.
He is a faculty member at the Lean Enterprise Institute and teaches at the Stanford University Continuing Studies Program. He also lectures at the Ohio State University’s Fisher School of Business.
His first book, A Factory of One, was honored with a Shingo Research Award in 2013. His new book, Building the Fit Organization, was launched in September 2015.
Markovitz has published articles in the Harvard Business Review blog, Quality Progress, Industry Week, Reliable Plant, and Management Services Journal, among other magazines. He keynoted the 2015 Lean Island Conference in Reykjavik, and the 2015 Printing Industry Association National Conference. He’s also a regular workshop presenter at the Association for Manufacturing Excellence National Conference and the Outdoor Industry Association Rendezvous.
Markovitz lived in Japan for four years and is fluent in Japanese. He holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.
Rosa Simón – Lean Manager, Consorci Sanitari del Garraf
Since 2009 Rosa has been the Director of Quality, Planning and Evaluation, and Customer Management at Consorci Sanitari del Garraf in Barcelona.
Her previous roles included:
- Implementation of Process Management at Fundació Pius Hospital de Valls,
- Director of Quality, Planning and Evaluation at Fundació Hospital Comarcal Sant Antoni Abat
- Assistant Manager of Strategic Planning at G.I.N.S.A. – Grup SAGESSA
- Director of organization and nursing care at Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus – Grup SAGESSA
- Director of Quality Policy and Strategy. at Avinguda President Companys s/n
- Head of the Development of Nursing, Supervisora de Pediatria i Neonatologia and Nursing in the Pediatrics, Gynecology and pathological newborns at Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan S.A.M – Grup SAGESSA
- Diploma of Nursing 1982-1985. Escola Universitària d’Infermeria de l’Hospital de la Sta. Creu i Sant Pau.
- Post-graduate Nursing Children and Adolescents. 1990-1991. (400 h). Escola Universitària d’Infermeria. Universitat de Barcelona.
- Post-graduate Human Relations and group techniques in nursing. 1993-1994. (250 h). Escola Universitària d’Infermeria. Universitat de Barcelona.
- Post-grau assessment methodology and improving the quality of care. 1998-1999. Fundació Avedis Donabedian. (200h)
- Master assessment methodology and improving the quality of care. 2000-2001. Fundació Avedis Donabedian. (300h)
- Master Quality Planning and Management. 2000-2002. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya . (450h)
- Master Administration and Management in Nursing. E.U.I. d’infermeria Santa Madrona. 2003-2006. Universitat de Barcelona
- Grup SAGESSA Award 1994 Health Care Quality: Analysis of quality of service emergency hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus.
- Grup SAGESSA Award 1994 Customer service: Evaluation of the perception of respect for the rights of users admitted to our hospitals.
- 1995 Nursing Award: Management of the quality of nursing care.
- Grup SAGESSA Award 1996 Health Care Quality and Customer Service: Improvement in the Training Methodology for Quality Improvement.
- Methodology Analysis of expectations and satisfacción of them patients at a hospital University.
- Grup SAGESSA Award 1999 Nursing: Evaluation level of air care nursing an instrument for the adecuación of the charges de trabajo.
- Avedis Donabedian Foundation 2013 Award for Excellence in hospitals
Dr Llorenç Mateo – Head of Service for Traumatology, Consorci Sanitari del Garraf
Oriol Cuatrecaasas – Founder and Lean Development, Instituto Lean Management
Cliff Hazell – Agile Coach, Spotify
Cliff Hazell has made a career out of breaking down the obstacles that stand in the way of great work. He is often challenging the status quo in his quest to develop the right culture and systems for creation of excellent products. After a tour of addresses across South Africa, Cliff moved to Stockholm where he works on the Coaching team at Spotify.
Terry O’Donoghue – Chief Operating Officer, Halfway Toyota
Terry retired from Toyota South Africa in 2010 after having been with them for 30 years. At the time of his retirement he was Vice President of Customer Service, responsible for Parts Distribution and the Technical support to the dealer network in Southern Africa.
Over the years he held various positions in Vehicle Distribution, Exports, Production Planning and Production Control, Finance, Demand Planning, Product Planning, Marketing and IT. For 5 years he was Vice President Vehicle Supply Chain, an early attempt to bring the full vehicle planning value stream together from Marketing and Demand Planning through Production Scheduling and Control, Inbound procurement and logistics to Vehicle Distribution and Allocation. This sought to apply TPS across the whole chain and work to the best system outcome rather than the functional area optimisation. Working in a line role across both Marketing and Manufacturing operations was a very educational experience.
During 2011 Terry became increasingly involved in the Halfway Group and was appointed Chief Operating Officer in 2012. His particular focus and interest is the use of TPS in the retail end of the motor vehicle industry, and the role it can play in transforming the customer interface.
Keith Edwards – Section Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Have been at Toyota 23 years, joined maintenance department as team member and progressed to section manager of the group until moving to the TLMC group. Was integral part of moving maintenance dept from Re-active (firefighting) to Pro-active(Planned Maintenance) using many lean tools ie waste elimination, visualisation, standardisation and ability to problem solve. Have also been trained as global auditor in Toyota standards, more recently have been working with various clients to coach lean techniques.
Ian Hurst – Principle Engineer, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
22 Years at Toyota, Various roles within Toyota; Maintenance, Maintenance Engineering, Production Engineering, TMUK-D lead contact with Operations Management Development Division, TLMC.