1 – Day Workshop
Value creating work, essential non-value creating work, waste. Spend more time doing the former and less time doing the latter. Conceptually, this is not new to lean thinkers and practitioners. Many of us can even recite all seven wastes with little effort.
But, how exactly can these concepts be applied to meet real business challenges? To solve critical problems related to quality, lead time, cost, and safety? In other words, how might they be applied to improving the WORK? And beyond that, how could an effective work “routine” be created and trained so that positive change is sustained?
Over decades of use, the techniques from Training Within Industry (TWI) have proven useful to team leaders in managing their teams to do and improve their WORK, effectively. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to these techniques and practice using them. They will also explore how the underlying concepts apply to all WORK, at all levels of an organization.
Aims & Objectives
Participants will play with a favorite childhood toy as a simulation for real work. This experience will be used to teach fundamental techniques of WORK improvement. Specifically, you will learn to:
- Gather meaningful facts through in-depth observation
- Understand the current condition of the WORK
- Make WORK visible to facilitate collaboration
- Improve the WORK in a simple and practical way
- Create “repeatable routines” that are easy to train and learn
- Onboard people by helping them become fully contributing members of the team
- Enable effective problem solving by creating conditions for continuous WORK improvement
- Accelerate learning cycles to make it easier for people to absorb innovation
- Coach others to do all of the above
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Who Should Attend?
This workshop is ideal for leaders, managers, process owners, and/or frontline staff in any industry dealing with a rapidly changing environment and a need for quick learning and fast improvement cycles. It is also ideal for people in environments whereby safety is critical and/or with strategic initiatives that require workers to learn their jobs rapidly (e.g. new products, in-sourcing, mergers, etc. ). TWI techniques will provide you with a simple and engaging improvement method, for getting started, and straight-forward language you can use to spread a new, more effective way of learning throughout your organization..
- Attendance – 1 Day Course
- Class size – Maximum 12 people per day
- Timings – Each day will run from 09:00 – 17:00
- Cost – General £395.00 / Consultant £450.00 per delegate per day with a 15% discount when 2 or more people from the same organisation attend
- Materials – A PDF copy of the materials will be available via the Lean Enterprise Academy website.
* Please note prices exclude VAT at the standard rate of 20%
We can also run these workshops in-house at your convenience, if you would like to explore this option please contact us at [email protected] or call +44 (0)1600 890590
Follow up (optional)
LEA provides an ongoing mentoring service for organisations involved in making Lean transformations. Lean Transformation Master Plans, supporting A3s & VSM’s developed by the organisation can be reviewed at 30/60/90 intervals. This provides the organisation with help and direction in sustaining the learning from the workshop process and helps highlight further learning opportunities that can be pulled, as and when required, by the organisation.