Problem Solving is the number one skill to develop in people who want to apply lean thinking & practice within their organisation. Why? Because the starting point for lean is understanding what situational problems you need to solve and following a robust method to solve them – rather than jumping to solutions. Therefore, if you can engage everyone in identifying and solving problems you will deliver more value to your customers and organisation.
What problem are we trying to solve? In relation to achieving your value driven purpose. Lean always starts off with the customer asking what value we need to provide. This depends on the purpose of your organisation. The question what problem are we trying to solve is fractal, like a snowflake. It equally applies to the whole organisation, a team or an individual. Does your organisation have a clear purpose? Do individuals have a clear line of site of it and understand their contribution to that purpose? And what problems should they be tackling to meet that purpose?
Learn 4 Step Rapid Problem Solving
The 4 Step Rapid Problem Solving method should be used by those people who need to tackle short and medium term performance problems and improvement challenges. It should be aimed at: Leaders of Teams and their Members to enable them to tackle most short and medium and term problems in either operational or business roles. Organisational Improvement Leaders or HR leaders who need to teach and coach their own organisational leadership but need to learn the 4 Step Rapid Problem Solving method first.

Learn 8 Step Practical Problem Solving
The A3 Practical Problem Solving method should be used by those people who need to tackle more difficult business problems (but doesn’t require the need for learning advanced statistics!). It should be aimed at: Executives, Managers / Leaders and Functional Specialists etc. to enable them to tackle most medium and mid term business problems. Organisational Improvement Leaders or HR leaders who need to teach and coach their own organisational leadership but need to learn the A3 PPS method first.

Learn Strategy Deployment / Hoshin
Having a Process and Managment System that aligns everyone in your organisation to Solving Problems that contribute to the Value Driven Purpose is critcal ito a sucessful Lean Transformation
Strategy Deployment / Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) is a Plan-Do-Check-Act process that enables the priotisation, casscade (with agreement) and tracking of organisational strategic goals and objects for execution. So that teams and indivduals can then be aligned to developing bottom up action planning and improvement towards those releveant Goals & Objectives.

Learn Customer Value
Developing Your Value Driven Purpose (Sometimes called “True North”) is the starting point for any Lean Transformation.
Understanding what value we need to provide for customers , the organisation, team members (doing the work) and socially / enviromentally.

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Learn Problem Solving Tools
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We have various courses to help you learn and apply problem solving tools to your work. This includes 7 Problem Solving Tools, A3 Documents Types & Uses, The 8 Wastes and more. The courses are a great introduction to the tools and techniques used on our Problem Solving courses. The topics are Skill Level 1 and will help you gain Knowledge of the subject area. Included in each course are the relevant downloadable materials such as posters, leaflets, templates and worksheets.

Problem Solving Webinars
In addition to our courses, we have a range of on-demand webinars available on our learning platform. The webinars are recorded and edited versions of a live session we have previously hosted. Watch the webinar at your own pace with Vimeo. All the material used in the session is available to download including teach posters, guides and worksheets. Each webinar is a unique topic and has different material relevant to the session. Take a look at our available Problem Solving webinars by clicking the button below.