A Lean Management System for Performance is one of the most basic building blocks for any operating system.
Why? Well, having established a standard for performance you need a robust Management System to ensure that this level is achieved on a regular basis. The objective is to stabilise and maintain the process/activity to a sustainable, reliable level through rigorous problem solving.
Management System – Performance Course
A Lean Management System for Performance is one of the most basic building blocks for any operating system.
Why? Well, having established a standard for performance you need a robust Management System to ensure that this level is achieved on a regular basis. The objective is to stabilise and maintain the process/activity to a sustainable, reliable level through rigorous problem solving.
Having created a sound foundation, you can then begin to make step change improvements. The purpose of the Performance Management System is to ensure that these improvements are sustained.
In this module you will learn about what a Performance Management System is, the thinking behind how it works, and the behaviours required from the people in the organisation to operate and sustain it.
The course is divided into sections. These are as follows:
- In Background, you will learn about the two different management systems with regards to performance and improvement. How they interact and the impact of just having one and not the other.
- In Purpose, you will learn what a Performance System should do and why you need one with regards to the Lean Transformation Framework.
- For Process, we will explain the conditions and considerations required to implement and operate one.
- In People, you will understand the required behaviours of the organisation to make the system work and be sustained.
In terms of duration, the module should take no longer than two hours to complete.
In summary, the material includes:
- 4 Topics – Background, Purpose, Process and People.
- Teach Poster that can be downloaded.
- Teach Poster Facilitation Guide that can be downloaded.
- 3 Teach videos and explaining Purpose, Process People.
- Key Point summaries of the Teach Poster elements.
- Learning confirmation process.
- Printable Certificate of Completion.
This product is included with our Learning Platform Subscription.