Designing the Future

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How Ford, Toyota, and other World-Class Organisations Use Lean Product Development to Drive Innovation and Transform their Business.


ISBN: 978-1260128789

Published: September 2021

Author: James Morgan, Jeffery K. Liker

Pages: 400


Today’s elite companies know that the ability to consistently create successful new products and services is their most powerful competitive advantage. In addition to providing a robust new development framework, Designing the Future shares real-world examples from a diverse set of industries including aerospace, energy, software, automotive, healthcare, heavy equipment, and more.

In its pages, globally recognized lean development expert James Morgan teams up with world-renowned lean management guru Jeffrey Liker to explain how these leading companies are using this powerful new Lean Product and Process Development (LPPD) framework to create better futures for themselves and all their stakeholders.

Morgan and Liker go beyond broad generalizations on how to “be innovative” and dig deeper into the theoretical bedrock and concrete development practices that are generating exceptional results at pioneering LPPD companies. Examples in the book show specifically how companies are redesigning product development systems to consistently design and deliver a progression of market-leading products and services.

Designing Your Future

You’ll learn what differentiates LPPD from traditional ways of thinking and doing product development, specifically how to:

  • Avoid the “extremes” that turn milestones into a “coercive bureaucracy” and instead turn them into the foundation of a lean development process.
  • Drive out fear – but not accountability.
  • Develop high-performance teams and team members.
  • Cultivate chief architects with complete product and business responsibility.
  • Create flow and reduce rework in the development process.
  • Apply leadership lessons from Alan Mulally and other senior development leaders, as well as the critical elements of a powerful management system
  • Use the obeya (“big room”) system to increase transparency, collaboration, focus, and speed while engaging the entire enterprise.
  • Improve the scientific thinking skills of engineers and developers.
  • Apply the seemingly contradictory concept of “fixed and flexible” — The yin and yang — of lean product development as an opportunity, not a conflict.
  • Hire the right people using different approaches, including extreme interviewing events
  • Use a Commodity Development Plan to develop components in parallel that are on time, functional, and fit together.
  • Improve development problem solving through effective use of A3s and employ a simple but effective “trick” to check the quality of an A3 report.

Designing the Future also reveals the details behind Toyota’s sustained product and process development excellence and how Ford under Mulally executed one of the most impressive corporate turnarounds in recent history by changing the very fundamentals of how they developed vehicles.

“The magic shared in these pages is actionable advice on how you can lead the change in your organization to develop your people and create a durable culture of innovation.” – James P. Womack, co-author of The Machine That Changed the World and Lean Thinking, and founder of the Lean Enterprise Institute

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