As part of our mission to help organisations with their Lean journeys the Lean Enterprise Academy held its annual UK Lean Summit at Wokefield Park near Reading.
The programme provided a balance between the frontiers of lean implementation and fundamental lean practice.
The purposes of this Summit are as follows:
- To raise consciousness of the latest developments in Lean Thinking and Practice
- To provide insight into practical ways to get started, deepen or enhance your Lean journey
- To enable participants to build their own network of Lean Thinkers
We do this by:
- Bringing together the best Lean practitioners and sensei in the Lean world for participants to learn from
- Building time into the programme for participants to network
- Providing pre-Summit workshops on leading edge topics
- Enabling groups from the same organisations to come to the Summit to learn together
Key questions for the 2013 UK Lean Summit:
- What are the models of Lean transformation?
- What are the fundamentals required to develop a Lean organisation?
- What is the leader’s role in Lean transformation?
- What does it take to apply Lean Thinking in Product Development?
- What are the key lessons learned from applying Lean Thinking in the Supply Chain?
- How do you apply Lean Thinking in the Service and Repair?
View more events here

Introduction to Lean Leadership
Dave Brunt - Chief Executive, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
A3 Thinking: Managing to Learn
John Kiff - Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
Implementing the Lean Turnaround
Art Byrne - Operating Partner, J W Childs Accociates
Introduction to Frontiers and Fundamentals
Dave Brunt - Chief Executive, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
What Makes a Lean Transformation Work?
Daniel Jones - Chairman, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
Tea / Coffee
What does it take to Lean a Lean Turnaround?
Art Byrne - Operating Partner, J W Childs Accociates
Leadership Lessons from Sports Coaching
Dr Peter Treadwell - Dean of Academic Development, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Courage to Put the Patient First
Owen Williams - Chief Executive, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
How to get Started Quickly and make a Difference
Liam Duffy - Chief Executive, Beaumont Hospital, Ireland
Tea / Coffee
Leading a Lean Turnaround
Art Byrne - Operating Partner, J W Childs Accociates
Leadership Lessons from Sports Coaching
Dr Peter Treadwell - Dean of Academic Development, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Delivering Results in Healthcare
Marc Baker - Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
Ian Taylor - Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
Dr Paul Jarvis - Consultant in Emergeny Medicine, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Leading the Fundamentals
Apologies but unfortunately we are not permitted to show the details of this presentation.
Mark Davies - Section Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Introduction to Day 2
Dave Brunt - Chief Executive, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
Transforming Supply Chains at Akzo Nobel
Steve Warren - Supply Chain Development Director, AkzoNobel Decorative Coatings
Tea / Coffee
Leading a Lean Turnaround
Art Byrne - Operating Partner, J W Childs Accociates
Leadership Lessons from Sports Coaching
Dr Peter Treadwell - Dean of Academic Development, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Leading the Fundamentals
Apologies but unfortunately we are not permitted to show the details of this presentation.
Mark Davies - Section Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
Lean in New Product Development
James Morgan - President, Emc Network
Keeping Planes Flying: Lean Service and Repair at Lufthansa
Video unavailable
Peter Ayeni - Research / Design Engineer, Lufthansa Technik
Lives not Services: Lean in Local Government
Phil Mayhew - Director of Business Transformation, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Kim Silcock - Head of Lean Transformation, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Tea / Coffee
What can you learn from the source at Toyota?
Apologies but unfortunately we are not permitted to show the details of this presentation.
Kevin Robinson - Senior Manager, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)
From Dealing to Leading: Transforming Sales and Service
Dave Brunt - Chief Executive, Lean Enterprise Academy Limited