Lean Forum – Expert Lean Healthcare Forum 2008


15th October 2008


The Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, NP18 1HQ, UK



What comes after Rapid Improvement Events in lean healthcare? How can we create real end-to-end flows of patients through hospitals and beyond? Over the last year we have been leading two projects to redesign the flow of patients from Accident and Emergency through to discharge in Gwent and Portsmouth NHS Trusts.

Getting this seemingly chaotic flow of patients under control is the key to establishing stability and a common rhythm across the rest of the hospital. As the projects progressed and we learnt what worked and what did not we also began writing down our methods so others can follow these examples.

Although there is still a long way to go we would like to begin to share these findings with other senior managers and clinicians. To do this we are organising a one day workshop to describe the work and to actually see the progress at two hospitals in Gwent NHS Trust on 15 October 2008.

Introduction - Thinking end-to-end in healthcare

Daniel Jones - Chairman, LEA

Redesigning the A&E value stream - explaining our method

Marc Baker - Research fellow, LEA

Ian Taylor - Research fellow, LEA

A - The Gwent Lean journey - progress and lessons

Ken Robertson - Acute Service Manager Unscheduled Care, Gwent NHS Trust

B - The Gwent Lean journey - overcoming the obstacles

Dave Hopkins - Process Excellence Facilitator, Gwent NHS Trust

The Portsmouth Lean journey - progress and lessons

David Birnie - Consultant Orthodontist Associate Medical Director, Portsmouth NHS Trust

The Portsmouth Lean journey - Medical Emergency Value Stream

Maria Purse - Value Stream Manager for the Emergency Pathway, Portsmouth NHS Trust

Lean Organisation of Health Services

Maria Teresa Mechi - Florence Health Trust

Fabrizio Gemmi - Florence Health Trust