The third Lean Healthcare Forum began with progress reports from the pioneering NHS Trusts in Bolton and Wirral.
Delegates were then offered a choice of three workshop streams: the first stream, ‘Lean in Hospitals’ showcased the achievements of four very different trusts including Gwent who showed how they realised that early RIE approach had not actually translated into sustained, system-wide operations management. The second focused on the early stages of implementing lean in primary care – including a presentation from East Devon PCT on tackling failure demand for emergency care which highlighted the importance of having someone reponsible for managing the end-to-end process for patients. The third stream was designed for lean experts with sessions on a range of issues from understanding demand to engaging key players to achieve real cultural change.
Introduction to the Day
Daniel Jones - Chairman, Lean Enterprise Academy
Lean Results from Bolton
David Fillingham - Chief Executive, Bolton NHS Trust
Lean Results from the Wirral / Green Stream Poster
Carol Makin - Consultant Surgeon & Clinical Director, Wirral Hospital NHS Trust
Mapping the Healthcare System
Kate Silvester - Osprey Coach, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Lean in Hospitals - Implementing Lean at Mayday
Ben Gowland - Director of Service Improvement & Quality, Mayday Healthcare NHS Trust
Making King's First Choice for Patients and staff
David Dawson - Deputy Director of Transformation, Kings College Hospital
Karl Douglas - Change Leaders Team, Kings College Hospital
Lean in Primary Care - What's Been Happening?
Ruth Kennedy - Chief Executive of the Improvement Foundation
Dr John Bibby - GP at Shipley Medical Centre
Daniel Jones - Chairman,Lean Enterprise Academy
Lean Expert Group - Where have we got to?
- Identifying value streams
- Designing flows
- Understanding demand
- Controlling variation in quality & cycle time etc.
Lean in Hospitals - Lean Transformation in Gwent
Martin Turner - Chief Executive, Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
David Evans - Service Improvement Leader, Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
Ken Robertson - Service Improvement Leader, Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
How we Reduced Turnaround Times
Neil Westwood - Clinical Process Consultant, Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust
Lean in Primary Care - Redesigning the Diabetes Process
Vinod Patel - Reader in Clinical Skills / Consultant Endocrinologist, Warwick Medical School, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
Tackling Failure Demand for Emergency Care
John Keast - Service Improvement & Redesign Manager, East Devon PCT
Beverly Stretton-Brown - Practice Based Commissioning Lead, East Devon PCT
Lean Expert Group - Cultural Change: What is the Process of Engagement?
Engaging Key Players: Tips & Techniques
Walking The Wards
Michael Ballé - Founder & Consultant, Projet Lean Enterprise
Conclusion and Next Steps
Daniel Jones - Chairman, Lean Enterprise Academy