Join us for our Webinar series.
New date added: 14th April @ 3.30pm
In our Lean A3 Problem Solving Webinar, participants are provided with an overview of our poster teaching method.
You will learn about problem solving in terms of “Purpose”, “Process” and “People.”
Participants will gain an overview of the 8 step methodology and discuss examples of Practical Problem Solving A3s.
Our visual Teach poster will be used to explain how lean organisations like Toyota apply this method sucessfully.
Most organisations using lean thinking have a structured method for problem solving. However most tell us that they have challenges with:
- Developing problem solving thinking in order to engage all levels of the organisation.
- Tying their problem solving to key goals of their organisation.
- Understanding the alternative methods available and agreeing which to use so they can be most effective.
- Agreeing on the best ways to deploy problem solving.
- Using problem solving as part of the overall capability development process.
Our one hour session is packed full of learning & discussion around Problem Solving and A3 Thinking.
Scroll down for Full Agenda Details
Join us on Wednesday, April 14th at 15.30 UK time to learn more.
Book your place now
For a better user friendly experience Our Event is hosted on Microsoft Teams . If you already have Microsoft Teams you will be sent a Invite Link prior to the event.
If you haven’t got access already to Microsoft Teams you can sign up here for FREE – see below link
Join MS Teams for FREE, Click on Picture for Link
Want to develop your problem solving capability? Take a look at our Lean Learning Journey platform which contains free and paid learning materials.
We also sell the best books to assist in lean A3 problem solving. Visit our shop to browse and purchase.
Effective lean learning is about developing capability. Teaching people to fish, not fishing for them.
David Brunt - CEO, Lean Enterprise Academy
The Teach Poster Concept
Learn about our teach poster method. A breath of fresh air to get away from powerpoint lean training.
David Marriott - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Problem Solving: Purpose, Process, People
How effective problem solving ties purpose, process and people together.
David Marriott - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Questions & Answers
Questions and discussion on the content so far..
David Marriott - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Peter Watkins - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
David Brunt - CEO, Lean Enterprise Academy
8 Steps Practical Problem Solving Overview
Developing PDCA thinking through an 8-Step Process.
Peter Watkins - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Developing a Practical Problem Solving A3
Summarising the problem solving journey using A3s.
David Marriott - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Developing Understanding though Practice
Developing skill on your Lean Learning Journey.
Peter Watkins - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
Discussion, Questions & Answers
Check for understanding. Get sign posts to useful materials.
Peter Watkins - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
David Marriott - Senior Lean Coach, Lean Enterprise Academy
David Brunt - CEO, Lean Enterprise Academy