
On Demand
Lean Principles
On your site

LEA has continually conducted experiments to develop ways of explaining the key concepts of Lean with higher quality in a shorter lead-time. In this workshop we use a simulation to help any organisation understand the five Lean principles - value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection - whilst integrating the concepts of purpose, process, people and the scientific method of PDCA.

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17th April 2018
UK Lean Summit 2018
Manchester, UK

As part of our mission to help organisations with their Lean journeys the Lean Enterprise Academy held its annual UK Lean Summit at MacDonald Manchester Hotel & Spa, UK.

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18th October 2017
Policy Deployment Getting the Right Things Done Lean Enterprise Academy Workshop

Policy deployment, or hoshin kanri, is more than just a strategic planning system. Executed well it engages, motivates and involves everyone within the organisation in achieving sustainable improvements in the way the business performs. It consists of two interlinked systems or ways of working.

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17th October 2017
Introduction to Lean Leadership Lean Enterprise Academy Workshop

Lean is often associated with the application of improvement tools to eliminate waste within a process by a few subject matter experts. This approach can deliver some incremental gains, but often it is not sustained and does not create a real step change in business performance.

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