1 – Day Workshop
There have been lots of approaches to Lean. These range from teaching tools, running rapid improvement or kaizen events, mass training in groups, introducing consulting led management systems or developing expert groups within organisations. One question that continues to be asked is how do we develop everyone to think Lean – after all “Lean Thinking” is the title of the book in which Lean principles were articulated to a wide audience.
For the last couple of years I’ve been researching how to create “Lean Learning Experiences” – asking the question “what does it take to get each person we interact with to ‘understand’ think Lean and then actively take part in implementing improvements?” And “what would it take to develop a plan for each individual with the aim of implementing Lean right first time, on time – whilst increasingly deepening each individual’s learning and knowledge?
I will share the research and walk people through the process we’ve been using to create a series of “Lean Learning Experiences” and discuss the benefits of such an approach for both organisations and individuals.
Aims & Objectives
The purpose of this workshop is:
- To learn about the factors necessary to create a successful Lean transformation
- To provide a framework to think about the learning experiences that help develop Lean Thinking and Doing capability
- To share examples practical examples from our action research and discuss what has been learned from the approach
- Introduction/Objectives/Agenda
- Setting the context
- What is Lean?
- What have we learned about introducing it?
- Introduction to the Lean Transformation Framework
- What is a Lean Learning Experience?
- Creating Learning Experiences around the 5 areas of the Lean Transformation Framework
- Value Driven Purpose
- Process Improvement
- Capability Development
- The Lean Leadership and Management System o Underlying assumptions and beliefs
- Assessing the critical skills required to develop Lean Learning Experiences
- Summary of the lessons learned and next step planning for participants
Topics that will be examined include
- Lean Thinking and the Principles
- Common approaches & Pitfalls to Lean Transformation
- The five dimensions of a successful Lean Transformation – the Lean Transformation Framework
- Understanding what a Lean Learning Experience is
- What are the factors to consider when designing a successful Lean Learning Experience
- How we can sustain Lean efforts by targeting better learning experiences
- What skills do we need to develop to become effective at developing learning experiences?
- Next steps for participants Workshop Benefits
Through instruction, small group discussions, exercises and videos participants will:
- Learn about Lean from a different perspective, one that goes beyond tools and events
- Learn about the key elements of a successful Lean transformation
- Learn how to create learning experiences that challenge participants to think in a fundamentally different way
- Discuss and reflect on what participants have done so far and how they can use this information to go beyond where they are now – to close the next set of gaps in their organizations
Related Books
Who Should Attend?
- Leaders and support staff wanting to learn how to refine their Lean Transformation plans for their organisation, team or department
- Lean practitioners wanting to learn how to improve the effectiveness of their efforts
- Leaders and management teams wanting to understand their role in helping to sustain and accelerate Lean and continuous improvement throughout their organisation.
- Organisations at any stage in a Lean transformation that are struggling with:
- Failures to sustain the results from past improvement effort
- Overcoming some of the barriers to continuous improvement
- Past improvement effort not impacting business performance
- Developing further improvement capability
- Attendance – 1 Day Course
- Class size – Maximum 12 people per day
- Timings – Each day will run from 09:00 – 17:00
- Cost – General £395.00 / Consultant £450.00 per delegate per day with a 15% discount when 2 or more people from the same organisation attend
- Materials – A PDF copy of the materials will be available via the Lean Enterprise Academy website.
* Please note prices exclude VAT at the standard rate of 20%
We can also run these workshops in-house at your convenience, if you would like to explore this option please contact us at [email protected] or call +44 (0)1600 890590
Follow up (optional)
LEA provides an ongoing mentoring service for organisations involved in making Lean transformations. Lean Transformation Master Plans, supporting A3s & VSM’s developed by the organisation can be reviewed at 30/60/90 intervals. This provides the organisation with help and direction in sustaining the learning from the workshop process and helps highlight further learning opportunities that can be pulled, as and when required, by the organisation.