
Eliminating Failure Demand

2nd August 2004 - Daniel T Jones

Lean Thinkers never take the current state for granted. For example, rather than optimising the flow of products through a bottleneck process, they think hard about how to design right-sized...

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Beyond the Lean Tool Box

1st June 2004 - Daniel T Jones

Returning from a visit to Germany I was struck how far ahead we are in the UK. There is now little argument that lean is the way forward and most large manufacturers in the UK and the USA are now...

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How Lean Are You?

1st April 2004 - Daniel T Jones

I am often asked, how does a company know how lean they are? My answer is always, not by looking over your shoulder at your competitors or by counting the number of Kaizen events you have run....

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Lean Allies in the Office

1st February 2004 - Daniel T Jones

Everywhere I go it is increasingly obvious that Lean principles cannot progress in operations alone. Once you begin to straighten out your physical flows you have to involve all the supporting...

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